Sunday, March 31, 2013

Not to be neglected any moreee!!!

okayyy.. I know I have neglect this blog for ages. i mean, look at my archive! soooo empty. the reason why i had this blog in the first place is that

1)  i had nothing to do after my exams during pre-u.
2) because my friend stephanie choo was creating one beside me at that moment.
3) i thought having a blog was a cool thang last time.

AND HENCE,  THA-DA!!!! this boring boring blog.


now, i have another very good reason to blog ANDDD determined to keep it alive as long as i can.

the reasons are:

1) i read QIUQIU's blog and it was awesome!
2) i read XIAXUE's blog and it was awesome!

there, two very good reasons why am i so determine.

first things first. i have to change the layout of my blog! shhooooo boring de. i want it to be as awesome as QIUQIU's and XIAXUE's blog!!! ^^

off to go and experiment changing the layout of my blog.

till then, cheers.
Yu Xin

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