Sunday, December 4, 2011

om nom nom nom!!!

whee!! imma happy girl!!

at last!! i fulfilled my wish to go on a one-day trip to Malacca!! went food-hunting with the family yst, and boy, i'm satisfied.. mmmm...

woke up around 5 in the morning, picked up granma lai around 7 and off to malacca!! we reached there around 10 and immediately started finding for the chicken riceball restaurant.. actually, i planned to go to the one where sook moon recommended me-the one opposite 三叔公, but hell we couldn't find it and daddy lai's stomach was starting to protest.. and, boy, if that happens he'll make sure that every1 around him knows that..

and when i say he makes sure, he'll have that gimme-my-food-now-or-else.. look and he'll take out on whoever that's nearby.. that's practically all of us in the car.. and so, mama lai wanted to avoid the unhappiness, hence, we make do with the first chicken riceball restaurant we saw.. i think we were their first customer for the day..

we ordered roasted duck, char siew (bbq pork) and siew yok (roasted pork).. oh, and 25 riceballs (5 per pax).. personally, i think it was okayyyyy (maybe probably due to the reason that i was starving), but everyone thought that it was bleh.. i'll probably give it a 4/10.. i'll make a personal note-to-self to try out that restaurant next time round.. heh..

chicken riceballs

P/s forgotten bout the char siew and siew yok.. :/

after that to the oh-so-famous Jonker's street we go!! daddy lai have been craving for 三叔公's white coffee ever since one of his friends bought him a packet.. after nailing down a hard-to-get-and-far-away parking spot, we started walking around.. i took the lead walking fast, but mama lai wanted to but a pair of slippers for herself, and it was my turn to grumble cause the sun was intensely hot and i was sweating like crazy and all i could think of was the durian cendol waiting.. but i went in the shoe shop anyway.. :p i mean, who can resisting not going in a shoe shop?!?!

anywayyyyy, the outcome is always the same.. hehehehehe... the one that end up stocking up on shoes will be always ME!! this time i bought 2 pairs in one go!! i simply couldn't resist just buying one pair!! (both were equally gorgeous, and hey, i don't think the sell it here in kayelle) mama and papa lai didn't protest much, just that papa lai went through the normal nagging of ah-the-strap-is-so-fragile-and-thin-it'll-break-in-no-time.. haha.. that doesn't dampen my spirits!! XD i've got 2 new shoes!! happy happy!!

shoe no.1


shoe no.2

so, after shoes, mind back to food-hunting, found 三叔公, and we walked around the shop to sample their products.. papa lai and me as usual, searched every nook and corner of the shop not wanting to miss out on any thing.. and mama lai as usual, was shaking her head looking at us happily turning over the whole shop..

after a satisfying search and double-checking that we have tried everything, we ordered 3 durian cendols to share.. it was nice and refreshing.. the durian syrup was a little too sweet though, and u'll have to mix it loads of ice.. i'll give it a 8/10.. ermm, this has no pics though (totally forgot bout taking pics at that moment!)

we rushed back to the car after that as the time is up for our parking ticket.. papa lai wanted to 'melabuh', hence, we went to the malacca club to sort that out.. surfed the net for a while and its was off to the next stop-mille crepe cake!!!

according to friends, nadeje serves delicious mille crepe cakes which are also known as thousand-layered cakes.. ordered 4 different types of cakes and 3 different types of beverages to share among us.. i totally loved the cake!! it was soft and creamy and the burst of flavor the moment it reaches into ur mouth was totally satisfying.. absolutely a 10/10.. the drinks were also up to standard and everyone gave thumbs up.. the best stop for the day.. ^^v

mocha-something and something-something (i forgot :/)

take two

original (this was the best amongst all)

dad's latte

take two (he was totally satisfied with this XD)

mango yogurt

walked around the shopping mall till 5 and we went off for satay celup.. sook moon has already told me not to go for any other restaurant except for Capitol Satay Celup and make sure we reach there early.. we immediately regretted for not listening to her advise once we reached there.. there was already a long queue forming up and it was only 5!! i think the people started lining up at 4.30.. i hastily got out from the car and throw myself into the line and the agonizing waiting process started..

the queue before me

queue (spot papa lai's signature pose?)

take 2

i shall cut out describing the one-hour wait (laziness starting to wear in).. after getting a table, we took turns to the food bar to choose our own sticks.. me gusto!! loved the satay sauce, and the prawns and meat were fresh.. a 8/10 for this.. brother lai was the winner of course reaching up to 32 sticks.. couldn't beat him (stuffing myself, but only got up to 28 sticks)

my choice XD

waiting for the sauce to boil

woman preparing our sauce

thought about heading to the pasar malam in Jonker's street next, but as it has gotten dark, papa lai took the wrong turn and we found ourselves heading towards the highway.. after considering that papa lai was probably worn out after driving the whole day, not wanting to have him driving too late at night (his eyesight aren't that good already) we dismiss the idea of turning back and the trip was cut short..

reached home around 11 after dropping granma lai off.. it was quick shower and off-to-bed for everyone.. i was asleep before my head hit the pillow.. it was a long day, but ah, imma happy!! malacca trip done at last!! yay!! shall start planning for the next thing on my list-of-things-do-the-for-the-holidays!!

as for now, toddles!!
